Downstairs secrets flare for being traced back to the first roots. I'm now experiencing myself all the sins that is a certainty I have witnessed in my patients. Days and nights think about depression because I have understood nothing of the day dreams, fantasies of moods and other days in a flash of lighting bring school hearing.
At first for about a year, the process of self analysis made him symptoms worse because he was really looking into what as what he called the down hip, which meant all of the disgraceful or shameful or anxiety producing feelings, that were swept into the unconscious.
Fantasies of incest, fantasies of murder unacceptable forms of rivalry, uh, repressed hatreds.
The fact that as a child he could wish for the death of a brother, the fact that as a child lust for his mother.
Really face the fact that a child had sexual feelings and could have them for parent, that was radical in his time.
Lust for the mother hatred of the father, as an infant, incredible, impossible feelings to uncover in one self especially in 1896, but Freud looked at this memories like a scientist looking at research, wither moral judgment, he made breathtaking leap. What if all children universally experienced passionate feelings of love and hate toward their parents, what if those feelings were built-in to the very process of human development.
The Oedipus Complex is the name Freud eventual bestowed on this hard bundle of infantile passion. The name is taken from the play by Sophocles, Oedipus Rex, in which Oedipus, king of Thebes, unknowingly kills his father and marries his mother.
This destiny moves us because it might have been ours. It is the fate of all of us, perhaps to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and murder wish against our father, our range convince this the bad show. Sigmund Freud
Freud's ideas not surprisingly were greeted with derision. His reputation was that he was a libertine, that he wrote pornographic materials, that he was a dirty, filth, a disgusting person.
Well, that was, of course, a lot of jealous there and resentment against his theories. "We should tell people that your son wants to marry his mother", this is relentless on any fathers.