Coufucius said,"If you look at a man's doing things, then study the reason why he did it, and observe what he likes most, you will know what type of man he is. Then how can he hide himself? How can he hide himself?"
Coufucius said,"Constantly reviewing what has been acquired, and continuing to acquire new knowledge, one may thus become a teacher."
Lin Fang, a Confucius's disciple, asked his master what constituted the fundamentals of propriety.Coufucius said,"That is a good question. Speaking of propriety, it is better to be frugal than extravagant. At a funeral, it is better to be deeply sorrowful in heart than to be sorrowful only for a matter of course.?"
Coufucius said to his disciple, Zeng Zi,"My doctrine is an all-pervading principle."Zeng Zi replied," Yes."Then Confucius left, his other disciples asked Zing Zi, "What did master mean?"Zeng Zi answered, "Our master's doctrine is comprised of only two words: faithfulness and charity."
Duke Ai, the reigning prince of Confucius's native state, asked Confucius who, among all his disciples, was the one who most loved to learn.Confucius answered, "There was a disciple, Yan Hui, who most loved to learn. He never transferred his anger to others. He never made the same mistake twice. Unfortunately, he did not live long and died early. Now I have not seen another who loves to learn as eagerly as did Yan Hui."Coufucius said,"Among my disciples, Yan Hui was the one who could keep virtue in his mind all the time without averting from it for three months. The others could keep the virtue for only several days to a month."
Ran Qiu said to his master, Confucius, "It is not that I do not believe in your principles. It is that my strength is insufficient." Coufucius said,"Those whose strength is insufficient give up half way. You are limiting yourself."
Coufucius said,"Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it. Those who love the truth are not equal to those who can find joy in it."
Coufucius said,"To those whose talents are above the aeverge, the higher subjects may be discussed with them. To those those talents are below the average, the higher subjects may not be discussed with them."
Coufucius said,"These are my worries: not cultivating virtue, not teaching what have been learned, not moving toward what is known of rightousness, and not correcting what is wrong."
Coufucius said,"If a man wants to learn from me, even though he can not afford to pay the regular tuition fee, but bring a bundle of dried meat instead, I would never refuse to teach him. "
Coufucius said,"Among every three people I am with, one of them will be my teacher. Everybody knows something which the other two people do not know. I learn the good parts from that person. If that person has some bad part which I also have, I will correct it. "
Coufucius liked to teach his disciples the following four subjects: culture, conduct, faithfulness and truthfulness.