
Confucius wisdom|mottos|quotations|chapter 2

Coufucius said,"I have talked with Hui for a whole day and he never made an objection. It seemed that he was stupid, without any reaction. After schooling, I inspected his private activities and found that he did use all of my teachings in his private life. Hui is not stupid at all."

Coufucius said,"If you look at a man's doing things, then study the reason why he did it, and observe what he likes most, you will know what type of man he is. Then how can he hide himself? How can he hide himself?"

Coufucius said,"Constantly reviewing what has been acquired, and continuing to acquire new knowledge, one may thus become a teacher."

Lin Fang, a Confucius's disciple, asked his master what constituted the fundamentals of propriety.Coufucius said,"That is a good question. Speaking of propriety, it is better to be frugal than extravagant. At a funeral, it is better to be deeply sorrowful in heart than to be sorrowful only for a matter of course.?"

Coufucius said to his disciple, Zeng Zi,"My doctrine is an all-pervading principle."Zeng Zi replied," Yes."Then Confucius left, his other disciples asked Zing Zi, "What did master mean?"Zeng Zi answered, "Our master's doctrine is comprised of only two words: faithfulness and charity."

Duke Ai, the reigning prince of Confucius's native state, asked Confucius who, among all his disciples, was the one who most loved to learn.Confucius answered, "There was a disciple, Yan Hui, who most loved to learn. He never transferred his anger to others. He never made the same mistake twice. Unfortunately, he did not live long and died early. Now I have not seen another who loves to learn as eagerly as did Yan Hui."Coufucius said,"Among my disciples, Yan Hui was the one who could keep virtue in his mind all the time without averting from it for three months. The others could keep the virtue for only several days to a month."

Ran Qiu said to his master, Confucius, "It is not that I do not believe in your principles. It is that my strength is insufficient." Coufucius said,"Those whose strength is insufficient give up half way. You are limiting yourself."

Coufucius said,"Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it. Those who love the truth are not equal to those who can find joy in it."

Coufucius said,"To those whose talents are above the aeverge, the higher subjects may be discussed with them. To those those talents are below the average, the higher subjects may not be discussed with them."

Coufucius said,"These are my worries: not cultivating virtue, not teaching what have been learned, not moving toward what is known of rightousness, and not correcting what is wrong."

Coufucius said,"If a man wants to learn from me, even though he can not afford to pay the regular tuition fee, but bring a bundle of dried meat instead, I would never refuse to teach him. "

Coufucius said,"Among every three people I am with, one of them will be my teacher. Everybody knows something which the other two people do not know. I learn the good parts from that person. If that person has some bad part which I also have, I will correct it. "

Coufucius liked to teach his disciples the following four subjects: culture, conduct, faithfulness and truthfulness.

Confucius wisdom|mottos|quotations|chapter 1

Give a fish to a man; he has food for a day. Teach a man to fish; he learns a skill for life.

Under an overturned nest, can there be unbroken eggs?

Learn without thinking begets ignorance. Think without learning is dangerous.

"Past scholars studied to improve themselves; Today's scholars study to impress others."

If you know, recognize that you know, If you don't know, then realize that you don't know: That is knowledge.

The Master said: "In learning and straightway practising is there not pleasure also? When friends gather round from afar do we not rejoice? Whom lack of fame cannot vex is not he a gentleman?"

Life is finite, While knowledge is infinite.

china economy|politics|travel|friends|trading|supplier: Before success, you should read these mottos!

china economypoliticstravelfriendstradingsupplier: Before success, you should read these mottos!

Before success, you should read these mottos!

Don’t give up before miracle is goona happen in 5 minutes.

Failure is not a

Remember, when you see a guy is at the peak of the
mountain, it is not without striking a blowing.

Best way to solve this
problem, are the ends of your arms.

Three peoples: 1. thinking; 2.
speaking; 3. doing.

Failure: it is not fall down, it is refuse to stand up.

Know is insufficient, we must use, hope is
insufficient, we must act.


How to remain positive to your life how to generate more sales

1. Create a plan for each day--use the plan to organize your day, but don't be married to the plan--remain flexible.

2. Keep a list of your priorities in view. Measure your to-dos and planned actions against them.

3. Ask of each new task before you: "Who is the best person to be doing this task?"

4. Ask specifically for what you want, including conditions of satisfaction, and timeframes. Don't expect people to read your mind.

5. Skip the morning news on TV. It's primarily negative. Skip the late night news on TV. It's even more negative than the morning news. Go to sleep earlier, read, or write a journal.

6. Start each day with 30-60 minutes of reading--business, educational or inspirational.

7. Refine and clarify your vision. Where are your actions taking your organization?

8. Whatever you are currently complaining about--stop it.

9. Use the 80/20 rule to your advantage.

10. Work on one item at a time.

11. Put your basic values into writing.

12. Put your goals (all of them) into writing.

13. Do your next day's planning at the end of the day.

14. Be networking conscious.

15. Establish a reading/learning program.

16. Ask the question, where is the strategic or competitive advantage?

17. Figure out what you are very good at doing--delegate or outsource the rest.

18. Analyze the cost/benefit of what you are doing. It may be more cost-effective to delegate or outsource.

19. Ask yourself, "Is what I am doing the highest value contribution I can make now?" If not, don't do it.

Kindly remind me when you find there are problems in spelling, leave you messege.

I will update when i have time.


Chinese philosophy|life philosophy|love philosophy|Taoism philosophy|Confucius philosophy

1. A girl breaks with a boy, boy asks why, girl says we don’t have “common language”, boy says how come? We all speak English.

2. No matter good times or bad times, sometimes you need to stop yourself at right time, looking back is for a further move.

3. Distance, generates sense of beauty, however, also with sadness.

4. Somebody will never be yours, you meet each other everyday though.

5. Love becomes blessing because of insistence,
Love becomes miserable because of insistence;
Love starts because karma starts,
Love ends because karma ends.

6. Girls must be strong when facing lies, must be indifferent when facing indifference, must forget some promises and get over everything.

7. When somebody is jealous of you, it means you are excellent
You are jealous of the others. it means you

8. We usually say we realize somebody or something is indispensable after lost them, meanwhile, we realize something or somebody is not indispensable after lost them.

9. In beginning 20 years of our lives, we play, sleep, eat and watching TV, following 40 years we exhaust ourselves for kids and better life, last 10 years, the only thing we can do is sitting in front of you house and saying hello to passerbies…

10. Talent is like pregnancy, it takes long time to recognize.

11. You don’t have to say you are trying to change because the others can see.

12. Comparison makes misery, thanksgiving makes happiness.

13. Good is relative, the other doesn’t think is good when you think is good, you don’t think is good while the others think is good. Sometimes what we are pursuing in our entire life is a piece of junk in the other’s eyes.

14. Half of your troubles coming from you say YES too fast, say NO too slow.

Kindly remind me when you find there are problems in spelling, leave you messege.

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Is Chinese real estate too hot or needed more investment?

Some of my friends are trying to buy house in my city—Shenzhen, which is possiblly the most serious housing foam is. However, so far, no official approve and no one can ascertain that China’s housing market is in danger.

Compared with western and other developed markets like U.S, China's real estate industry is less experienced and immature. Currently, there are approximately 25,000 real estate brokerage agencies employing over 200,000 agents. In addition, an estimated 20,000 property management companies employing over 2 million people exist in China. Many of the brokerage companies, however, may not possess business licenses and qualification certificates. For instance, it was reported that, of the 4,000 real estate agencies currently operating in Beijing, only about 700 have business licenses.10 In a recent inspection in Shanghai, 982 real estate brokerage firms were found guilty of operating without registration with the appropriate government agency.

During the middle and late 1990's, real estate markets in big cities were overheated. Price of prime land in Beijing has fallen from the highs experienced in the boom development period of the early 1990s. In 1999, the vacancy rate for Grade A buildings was 30% in Beijing and 38% in Shanghai. Some experts estimated that the vacant space might take two to three years to be absorbed if the recent trends in demand continue. The market now seems to be picking up the momentum when many residents are upgrading into bigger housing.

A research report by Shanghai Real Estate Economic Association for the preparation of WTO entry cited that, in comparison with companies in developed countries, China's local real estate companies have the following weaknesses: 1.Lack experiences because of short history; 2. Limited competing capability due to smaller sizes; 3.Insufficient capital and backward marketing means; 4.Lower management skills; 5.Not service-oriented in general.
To regulate the market and protect consumer's interest, the government released the revised Model Commercial/Commodity Housing Purchase/Sell Contract in September 2000. The model contract serves as a standard contract and allows potential real property buyers and sellers to understand what are involved in a real estate transaction. The government hopes it will eventually help consumers reduce the risk in home purchase.

The overall real estate market in China is dynamic and grows fast in terms of capital flow and development speed in spite of the problems. The resale housing market is almost nonexistent in China a few years ago. In 1999, the government completed its basic policy for secondary housing market and encouraged urban residents who owned their homes to sell smaller, older, and low-quality houses in exchange for bigger, newer, and high-quality ones. Some cities, e.g. Shanghai and Ma Ansan of Anhui province started to experiment the secondary market earlier than other cities in China. Since 1996, there have been 67,333 residential properties being put for sales on the market in Shanghai, accounting for about 5% of the total sold properties there in the same period. In 2000 alone, about 7.5 million square meters (80.73 million square feet) existing houses were sold in Shanghai. The total transaction amount was valued at RMB 65.6 billion (about U.S. $8 billion).11 There are over 5,000 foreign funded real estate companies, including China-foreign joint ventures (JVs) or cooperative enterprises, and over 1,000 wholly foreign-owned companies currently operating in China. Hong Kong is the top investor, accounting for over 75% of total foreign investment, followed by the United States and Taiwan.12 The following chart shows the amount of total foreign investment in the Chinese real estate market in recent years. There was a drop in investment in 1997 and 1998 that could be attributed to the Asian finance crisis and over heating of the real estate market in late 90's.
According to a survey reported in the China Construction magazine, about 59% of the urban residents in China now own their own homes. The average living space for most of urban residents who own their homes is 50-80 square meters (538-861 SF). The majority of households surveyed have 2 to 4 people. About 19.7% of respondents live in rented dwellings and 11.5% receive rental subsidies from their employers or work units. It was also reported that 21.9% of the residents surveyed indicated they would like to purchase new houses with a size of 70-150 square meters (754-1615 SF) within 5 years. Family savings were the main financing resources, which stood at about 6700 billion RMB (1 trillion U.S. dollars in 2000. However, government funding and bank loans were also among favorite options.


Chinese government is going to invest housing market 4 trillion RMB to boost consumer confidence in housing market and real estate

To An Wei, a white-collar migrant worker in Shanghai, China's tax exemption on house purchase and mortgage deposits reduction announced on Wednesday night were a real stimulus for home buying.
"The new policy would not only save me more than 4,400 yuan (644 U.S. dollars) from the tax reduction in purchasing a 90-square-meter flat in Shanghai and make it earlier to obtain a bank loan to pay for the mortgage, but also give me confidence in the stability of the housing market," said the newlywed IT worker.
The Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, made the synchronous move on Wednesday to announce a series of new measures to boost the domestic real estate market, which had shown signs of slowing amid the global financial turmoil.
"The policy is concentrated on tax reduction and relaxing restrictions on financial institutes to give loans to private homebuyers," said Nie Meisheng, the Chamber of Real Estate of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce director.
The chamber was one of the advisors prompting the promulgation of the policy.
Nie said the policy, aimed at benefiting home buyers, rather than bailing out property developers, can woo potential purchasers' confidence.
The Ministry of Finance announced on Wednesday to exempt the stamp tax on property purchase and the value-added tax of land on property sales, starting from Nov. 1, to boost the slowing real estate sector.
The central bank announced to lower the threshold of the down payment for those making their first home purchase for self use from 30 percent to 20 percent. This would start as of Monday.
According to the financial website caijing.com.cn more measures to benefit the sector are on the table of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.
The report said the housing authority was likely to give more stimulus to the trade of second-hand houses to further revitalize the property sector.
Shanghai disclosed its regional housing policy immediately after the national policy was announced. The city government made bolder encouragements in the policy adjustment, especially in the trading of second-hand houses.
"With the new policy, I could save 90,000 yuan in taxation from selling a 60-square meter flat that I bought in 2006," said Shanghai resident Zhuang Xiaowei, intently reading over Thursday's local newspaper reports on the housing policy.
He said the city had taxed second-hand house transactions heavily over the past few years, which he fully understood was "an effort to rein in the over-heated property market."
The National Bureau of Statistics reported property prices in major cities increased 3.5 percent in September from a year ago, the slowest pace in more than three years. Meanwhile, people's enthusiasm to buy tumbled to its lowest point in a decade.
The shrinking household consumption reflected a general trend of global economic slowdown, said Yi Bocheng, a professor at the Shanghai-based Fudan University.
He said the government's policy stimulation would help set free potential consumption tendency.
A recent survey of 4,807 Beijing college undergraduates suggested 57.6 percent were potential home buyers in the next five years. About half said they would choose a house of 70 to 90 square meters.
The China Youth Daily survey showed 55 percent of the future home buyers said they would apply for bank loans to pay for the mortgage. The rest admitted they would need their parents' financial support to get a home.

Huang guangyu-Chinese richest man is said to be arrested since corruption

Huang Guangyu, China's richest man, disappears amid corruption investigation
China’s richest man, an electronics tycoon worth more than £4 billion, has disappeared, amid reports that he is under investigation for alleged insider trading.
Huang Guangyu, 39, who turned a single street stall selling radios and watches into China’s largest electrical appliance chain, has not been heard of for several days, according to his company. Mr Huang vanished last Wednesday and the absence of information about his fate highlights the opacity of China’s justice system and the secrecy with which the police routinely conduct their investigations.
Reports slipped out at the weekend in Caijing, an unusually hard-hitting business magazine, which said that the billionaire was in trouble. By yesterday trading in shares of Mr Huang’s Gome Electrical Appliance Holdings had been halted on the Hong Kong stock exchange. The company issued a statement saying that it was making “necessary inquiries” to try to find out what had happened to its founder and controlling shareholder.
One source close to Gome – a household name in China as the cheapest and most reliable source of everything from kettles to flat-screen televisions – said that Mr Huang appeared to be incommunicado. No government department had contacted the company about his whereabouts and no notice had been received about any legal investigation into its activities.

“It’s business as usual. The CEO, Chen Xiao, is in charge and telling suppliers that everything is under control,” said the source.
Known as “the Price Butcher” for the discounts available at his stores, Mr Huang has always been vulnerable in a system in which connections count for more than business clout.
Many of China’s self-made tycoons avoid the limelight, aware that their prominence could trigger retribution from officials who are jealous of their meteoric rise to prosperity.
Caijing reported that Gome’s chairman was being questioned by police for alleged share-price manipulation linked to Shandong Jintai Group, a drug manufacturer listed in Shanghai that is believed to be controlled by his brother, Huang Junqin.
Trading in the financially troubled company was suspended in Shanghai on Monday. Caijing said that the share price of Jintai had fluctuated for most of the past two years, but it did not specify how Huang Guangyu may have been involved.
A devout Christian from the southern port city of Shantou – known in the 19th century as the British treaty port of Swatow – Mr Huang topped China’s Hurun Rich List this year with wealth estimated at $6.3 billion (£4.2 billion), from his shares in Gome and his growing property empire.
It is not the first time that Mr Huang has faced questioning. He was investigated in late 2006, along with his brother, for alleged financial irregularities involving the use of a loan to speculate in real estate. Both brothers were released and cleared of any charges in January 2007.
The mystery surrounding his latest disappearance deepened when even Xinhua, the state-owned news agency, was unable to get a comment from the police. A police official said only that the issue was being handled by the Ministry of Public Security – an indication that Mr Huang’s fate now lies with the highest decision-makers.
Gome’s business has been booming. Its results for the third quarter, released yesterday, showed that net profits soared 111 per cent in the first nine months of 2008 to 1.59 billion yuan (£155 million).
Several former rich list celebrities have run foul of the law, typically over financial misconduct. Zhou Zhengyi, the eleventh-richest person in China in 2002 and the boss of Nongkai Group, was sentenced to 16 years in jail in 2007 for bribery, embezzlement and tax fraud.
Zhang Rongkun, the sixteenth-richest in 2005 and the owner of Fuxi Investment, was sentenced to 19 years in jail in June for his role in a billion-dollar pension fund scandal in Shanghai. “People attract more attention from the public once they get listed,” said Ren Jianming, an expert on corruption issues at Tsing-hua University in Beijing. “Maybe other rich people who aren’t on the list also did business in ways that probably did not comply with the laws, but they may get less attention.”

About Zhang Ziyi

Zhang Ziyi is one of the best-known Chinese film actresses working today, with a string of Chinese and international hits to her name. She has also be called as one of the four most promising young film actresses in China, along with Zhao Wei, Xu Jinglei, and Zhou Xun. She has worked with renowned directors such as Zhang Yimou, Ang Lee, Wong Kar-Wai, Chen Kaige, Seijun Suzuki and Rob Marshall.


The development of Chinese Female|girls|women|chicks Art

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Most developed cities|metropolitans in China|Beijing|Shanghai

Beijing is China's second largest city, after Shanghai.[8] Beijing is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city. It is also the focal point of many international flights to China. Beijing is recognised as the political, educational, and cultural center of the People's Republic of China,[8] while Shanghai and Hong Kong predominate in economic fields.[9][10][11] The city hosted the 2008 Olympic Games.
Few cities in the world besides Beijing have served as the political and cultural centre of an area as immense as China for so long.[12] The Encyclopædia Britannica describes it as, "One of the world's great cities,"[13] and declares, "The city has been an integral part of China’s history over the past eight centuries, and nearly every major building of any age in Beijing has at least some national historical significance."Beijing is renowned for its opulent palaces, temples, and huge stone walls and gates.[14] Its art treasures and universities have long made the city a centre of culture and art in China.


Shanghai (Chinese: 上海) is the largest city in China in terms of population and one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world, with over 20 million people in its extended metropolitan area.[6] Located on China's central eastern coast near the mouth of the Yangtze River, the city is administered as a municipality with province-level status.[7]
Originally a fishing and textiles town, Shanghai grew to importance in the 19th century due to its favourable port location and as one of the cities opened to foreign trade by the 1842 Treaty of Nanking.[8] The city flourished as a center of commerce between east and west, and became a multinational hub of finance and business by the 1930s.[9] However, Shanghai's prosperity ended after the 1949 Communist takeover and the subsequent cessation of foreign investment. Economic reforms in 1990 have resulted in intense development and financing, and in 2005 Shanghai became the world's busiest cargo port.[10]
The city is an emerging tourist destination renowned for its historical landmarks such as the Bund and Xintiandi, its modern and ever-expanding Pudong skyline including the Oriental Pearl Tower, and its new reputation as a center of culture and design.[11][12] Today, Shanghai is mainland China's center for commerce and finance, and has been described as the "showpiece" of the world's fastest-growing economy.[13]

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